• Mental Health Minute: 4 Things to do Everyday to Help Navigate Uncertainty
    Mental Health Minute:4 Things to do Everyday to Help Navigate UncertaintyAmanda P. Johnson, MS, [email protected] Navigating uncertainty is one of the most difficult things to do. The waiting is hard. The Read more
  • Mental Health Minute: How to Cope
    Mental Health Minute:How to CopeAmanda P. Johnson, MS, [email protected] Anxiety, stress, worry, and fear are unfortunately a part of our daily routine now more than ever. While all of these feelings Read more
  • Grace and Grief
    We may resent the thought as if we’re replacing the person, or thing, we’ve lost. It’s not. Read more
  • Holiday Grieving
    After losing someone or something close to you, holidays can feel like that mountain in the distance, or a giant wave coming at you. Read more
  • Moving Forward
    We don't "move on" from grief; we move forward with it... integrating it into who I am now, moving forward into a new way of being. Read more
  • Meeting Grief
    Grief is an active process. We have to grieve, give it our time, our attention and our presence. Read more
  • The Disorientation of Grief
    There is another cycle or stage of grief that is rarely discussed: Fear. Read more
  • A Buoy of Connection
    One of the buoys that has held me up on this journey of grief is using words to sort through and express all of the emotions and thoughts swirling around inside of me Read more
  • Waves
    Grief can feel like waves and I am trying desperately to keep my head above the water. I have found the image of buoys to be helpful. Read more
  • Ocean of Grief
    Over the last year, grief has been my constant companion. Helping others with their pain helps me with mine Read more
  • Staying Connected
    Did you know that it is most often small, repeated moments that build connection in your love relationships? Read more
  • Spring Clean Your Relationship
    Now that the rush of the holidays are over and you are officially in your 2019 rhythm, let’s reattune to the relationship. Here are some questions to guide you and your partner Read more
  • When is it time to go to Couples Therapy?
    Research shows on average a couple waits 6 years to make their first therapy appointment after starting to feel dissatisfied with their relationship. This can leave a couple feeling sad, angry, and alone for a long time. Read more
  • How and Why to Slow Down when Arguments get Heated
    Have you ever been in an argument and thought: “How did we get here?” or “What are we even fighting about?” or “Wow, that escalated quickly.” If the answer is yes, then you are pretty normal. Let’s break down how to avoid heated arguments. Read more
  • Dating Apps: Helpful or Harmful?
    Do people actually meet their husband or wife off dating apps? Are dating apps really helpful? Or are they harmful? Here are some guidelines to follow when using dating apps. Read more
  • How to Build or Rebuild Trust
    Trust is the foundation for all of our intimate relationships. However, it is a bit tricky to nail down exactly how trust is formed. Read more

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